Award-Winning Custom Handmade Art Works for Sale & Commission
Larry Gotkin’s custom, handmade items offer museum-quality, artisan craftsmanship for the serious collector or reenactor. He produces unique knives, edged weapons, powder horns, tomahawks, war clubs, jewelry, metal sculpture, candle holders, cribbage boards, chess sets, flint & obsidian knives, Japanese swords, cheese slicers, desk knives,and menorahs.
Larry has been a registered Arizona architect since 1981.
Larry Gotkin
Artist & Registered AZ Architect
Tucson, Arizona

Share this Site: Museum-quality custom handmade knives, tomahawks, edged weapons, war clubs, powder horns, metal sculpture, jewelry by Larry Gotkin for Sale or Commission.
Ordering Instructions
In Stock Items: Simply go to the page for the item you want to order, then click the BUY NOW button to send Larry an email message.
Commissioned Custom Handmade Items: Don't see what you want? Larry Gotkin can custom create almost any piece for you on a commission basis.
No International Orders: We apologize, but due to high shipping and customs costs, and exorbitant bank and currency conversion fees, we are no longer accepting international orders, INCLUDING CANADA.
Larry Gotkin Unique Custom Handmade Knives, Edged Weapons, Metal Sculptures, Jewelry & More
I started doing scrimshaw as a hobby in 1979. Knives, jewelry, and firearms were excellent canvases for this new hobby, so I began to rehandle knives and firearms and sell them locally. The problem with any crafts hobby is that you soon run out of room in your own house to display pieces, and I cannot afford to give them ALL away as gifts! Thus, the birth of this website.
Over the years, I have used several blade suppliers including House of Muzzleloading, Texas Knifemakers Supplies, Kris Cutlery, and others, modifying them as required. In 2009, I began forging some, mostly historical, blades of my own. The forged blades are noted as such in the descriptions on this website.
I have also collaborated with a local bladesmith, Uhrs Chantell (bladesbychntell@gmail.com). He pounded the iron and I handled and sheathed the resulting blades.
My latest passions are hand-forged metal sculptures and knives, along with powderhorns and warclubs! Please note that katanas and wakisashis can be made to order to match the tantos to make a complete daisho. The cribbage boards, chess sets, jewelry, and Jewish religious objects illustrate the breadth of my work.
I hope you enjoy looking at my portfolio. Please contact me with any comments or suggestions — together we can come up with a truly unique piece of custom work. » Read more about Larry Gotkin
Unique Custom Handmade Items: acid etching, architecture, blades, candle holders, cheese slicers, clasps, cribbage boards, chess sets, custom knives, daggers, desk knives, dirks, edged weapons (knives), edged weapons (tomahawks), flint knives, guns, hadseax, handmade knives, Japanese swords, jewelry, katanas, kitchen knives, knife bags, knives, menukis, metal sculpture, obsidian knives, powder horns, powder_horns, puukkos, sax, scramaseax, scramsax, scrimshaw, seax, seaxe, sgian dubhs, skeans, skinners, spears, sword bags, swords, tallit clips, tantos, tomahawks, wakizashis, war clubs, weapons (knives), weapons (tomahawks), weapons (war clubs), yoga pose meditation candles, yoga pose metal sculptures
Photography by Larry Gotkin
© Copyright 2009- Larry Gotkin, All Rights Reserved.