Tlingit Style Woodpecker War Club for Sale
Price: $1150 (Shipping Included)

A unique and beautiful museum-quality Tlingit Style War Club, carved and fashioned as a Pileated Woodpecker. The indigenous Tlingit and Haida of the Pacific Northwest Coast of America.are known for their fine metalwork and elaborate wood carving, including totem poles.
This club would have been used in battle: and the club is carved in low relief and incised from solid hickory, rather than the much softer cedar that was the more common carving medium of the Tlingit. The beak is carved from a solid deer antler tine and would cause severe trauma in battle.The eyes are fashioned from abalone shell and inlaid into the wood.
The body and head are painted in red, white and black paint and the finish is patinated and rubbed to create a slightly worn, used finish. The upper segmented grip and pommel are oiled and stained wood. The lower grip is tightly wrapped with deerskin lace and ends with a deerskin wrist strap.
The club is 23” long, 1.5" thick, with the head and beak extending 7".
Keywords: Museum quality, War club, Tlingit war club, effigy club, Woodpecker War Club, carved, unique, custom-made war club, handmade war club, wood carving, wood sculpture, muzzle-loading, reenactor, historic reenactment, accoutrements, black powder, collectors, decorators, interior designers
Unique Custom Handmade Items: acid etching, architecture, blades, candle holders, cheese slicers, clasps, cribbage boards, chess sets, custom knives, daggers, desk knives, dirks, edged weapons (knives), edged weapons (tomahawks), flint knives, guns, hadseax, handmade knives, Japanese swords, jewelry, katanas, kitchen knives, knife bags, knives, menukis, metal sculpture, obsidian knives, powder horns, powder_horns, puukkos, sax, scramaseax, scramsax, scrimshaw, seax, seaxe, sgian dubhs, skeans, skinners, spears, sword bags, swords, tallit clips, tantos, tomahawks, wakizashis, war clubs, weapons (knives), weapons (tomahawks), weapons (war clubs), yoga pose meditation candles, yoga pose metal sculptures
Photography by Larry Gotkin
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